This is the 6th Episode of Shortland Street which aired on the 1st of June 1992.
Stuart unwittingly causes a feud between Tom and Marj. Alison reconsiders her relationship with Chris. Will Jaki's secret be revealed?
Cast List[]
- Danielle Cormack as Alison Raynor
- Lisa Crittenden as Carrie Burton
- Michael Galvin as Chris Warner
- Temuera Morrison as Hone Ropata
- Nancy Brunning as Jaki Manu
- Angela Marie Dotchin as Kirsty Knight
- Elizabeth McRae as Marjorie Neilson
- Stephanie Wilkin as Meredith Fleming
- Rene Naufahu as Sam Aleni
- Andrew Binns as Steve Mills
- Martin Henderson as Stuart Neilson
- Adrian Keeling as Tom Neilson
- Lisa Chappell as Deborah Walters
Episode Summary[]
Hone walks into the exam room as Deborah is leaving, she’s doing much better. Hone asks Jaki to do an IVP and she is upset he didn’t tell her about Deborah’s HIV positive status. Hone asks what difference it makes, “a lot” says Jaki before Hone is called to an emergency, he says they’ll talk about it later.
Hone checks on Deborah later, and when Jaki walks in asks to speak with her outside. He accuses her of prejudice and paranoia about HIV. Jaki denies this, then says she’s sorry and storms back into the room after Hone says he was busy and “good nursing is about keeping your eyes open and thinking all the time”.
Kirsty runs into Jaki looking distressed in the ambulance bay and asks what’s wrong. Jaki says Carrie’s right, she’s a bad nurse and needs to get her act together, and Kirsty tries to comfort her. Jaki doesn’t calm down though and after some badgering Jaki tells Kirsty about sticking herself with Deborah’s needle. Kirsty asks if she’s reported it, Jaki says no, she needs time to think, and swears Kirsty to secrecy. She’s worried she’ll lose her job and starts crying, “once word gets out there’s a nurse with AIDS, do you think patients are gonna come here?”. Her and Kirsty hug.
The next day Marj jokes about all the bad news in newspapers and runs into Jaki on her way to get one. She asks if Jaki has any bad news, Jaki says no, and then angrily asks Kirsty about what she told Marj. Kirsty says she didn’t say anything, and asks Jaki how she’s feeling. Jaki says “it doesn’t mow you down overnight, you know” but apologises for the previous day, explaining she’s done some research and it’s not very likely she’ll have contracted HIV. Kirsty tries to convince Jaki to go to an AIDS clinic but Jaki refuses, making sure Kirsty will keep her word and say nothing.
Jaki talks to Deborah while attending to her, and Deborah mentions she would like to “go for” Hone. Jaki grumpily says that might not be a good idea. Deborah dejectedly agrees, then Jaki asks how she contracted HIV. Deborah accuses Jaki of thinking she does drugs, holding her arms out to be checked for track marks. Carrie overhears and ends the conversation, then speaks to Jaki outside. She tells Jaki it is unacceptable to be hostile and aggressive to patients, suggesting she may want a career move.
Jaki sees Deborah to apologise, and is accused of being made to by Carrie. She says Carrie doesn’t know she’s there, and apologises for asking about the drugs and being out of line. Deborah says she’s getting used to that kind of treatment. Deborah says she contracted HIV from a man, and quickly clarifies it was a long term relationship when Jaki doesn’t react well. She explains they got back together after a 6 month separation and that’s when she contracted HIV from him, then he left her for good. They discuss Deborah’s health before Deborah tells Jaki about the discrimination she’s received since her HIV diagnosis. “Once you’re HIV positive, you’re on your own”. Jaki looks troubled.
Kirsty catches Jaki in the staffroom, informing her she called the nurses union and they said Jaki needs to submit an accident report form “just in case … there’s a future claim.” Jaki refuses and they begin to argue when Carrie walks in and takes the form from Kirsty, asking them who’s had an accident.
Sam and Steve tell Alison about Chris’s womanizing, she ignores them and says she’ll get her mum to send her wardrobe up for her clothes. Sam and Steve continue and Alison tells them to cut it out, she knows what they’re up to. She says she came to the city to have fun and “sounds like Chris is exactly what I’m after”.
Later, Steve says to Sam they should change their game plan, “we don’t want to make Chris seem like Mr. Excitement”. Alison asks them for date outfit advice and they don’t approve, it’s “too formal”, but she comes out in something more revealing they approve of even less. Sam tries to talk her out of it by calling it old fashioned, but Alison says that’s what Chris likes and decides to wear it. The boys aren’t happy.
Chris walks into the staffroom with an eclair for Meredith, she says no, she’s dieting. “You, dieting? Why?” Sam and Steve show up and start trying to convince Chris to stay away from Alison. They say she’s “just out of the cradle” and Chris says “she’s gotta learn sometime, and it’s better coming from an expert.” The boys dig their heels in but Chris is determined, and leaves. Meredith says it’s funny seeing the boys concerned about a girls virtue.
In surgery, Meredith asks Chris “so, it’s Alison Raynor now, is it?”. Chris asks if she’s jealous, which she denies. Chris defends himself, saying despite his reputation “I have rules”, “I’m not a cradle snatcher”. Meredith thinks “certain parts of [his] anatomy have a mind of their own”. Chris says he’s just offering friendship, “trust me, Alison does”. Meredith says that’s what worries her.
Meredith leaves surgery and finds Alison, saying because of her recent experience with Chris, she wants to talk. Alison thinks Same and Steve have put her up to it. Meredith assures her it's not, and that she isn’t jealous - Chris’s kiss was unwanted. Alison insists she can look after herself, but Meredith says women aren’t people to Chris “they’re ice creams and life’s a great big fairground.” She doesn’t want to see Alison get a broken heart.
At home, Sam and Steve decide to leave Alison to deal with whatever Chris may do with her, and they can pick up the pieces afterwards. Alison comes in and says she can look after herself, the boys agree. They continue telling her to go for it as she starts making excuses for why she shouldn’t. They point out Chris will be there soon and she rushes off to have a shower. Chris starts knocking on the door while Sam and Steve ignore him, talking shit about Chris in the process. Alison yells for them to get the door, but they’ve gone to their rooms. She answers the door in her towel, apologising for not being dressed yet. Chris says she’s “dressed perfectly for what I’ve got in mind”.
Chris and Alison have a picnic at the beach, when he offers her wine she asks if he’s trying to get her drunk. Chris laughs and says of course not, and that they’ll save the wine for dinner. Alison wants to pay for herself, and insists after Chris tries to argue.
Chris and Alison’s date finishes, and he thanks her for paying for both their meals after driving her home. Chris suggests a night cap, but Alison says she’s tired. Chris kisses her on the cheek and drives away.
Marj suggests paying for Lisa’s ambulance bill to Tom. She says something fishy is going on with Lisa and Stuart, Tom says to “let sleeping dogs lie”. This upsets Marj, she thinks they would be letting everyone off the hook except “that poor little girl”. Tom says they can’t afford it and doesn’t want to get involved as it would be seen as “accepting responsibility”. Marj calls him a scrooge and “tight as a fish’s you-know-what - and that’s watertight!”
Stuart talks to Kirsty at reception, making sure Marj isn’t there. He wants to pay Lisa’s bill, asks Kirsty not to tell Marj, and to make the receipt out to cash, not his name. Kirsty mentions how expensive it is, but Stuart pays.
Later, when Marj is getting the newspaper, Tom walks into reception and asks Kirsty not to tell her, but he’d like to pay Lisa’s bill. Kirsty moans about not liking keeping secrets but explains the bill’s been paid. Tom thinks Marj did it, and leaves before Kirsty tells him otherwise.
Later again, Marj tries to pay Lisa’s account and finds it has already been paid. She thinks Tom snuck in to pay it and Kirsty tries to interrupt, but Marj keeps ranting, accusing Tom of hypocrisy.
Back at home, Marj complains to Stuart about Tom paying the bill. When Tom arrives home he and Marj start arguing about the bill before realising neither of them paid it, and it must have been Stuart, but he snuck out while they were arguing.
Other Information[]
Lisa Chappell played Deborah Walters in a recurring role from 1992-1994 as the HIV+ patient whose needle pricks Jaki Manu’s finger and results in her HIV scare. She returned to Shortland Street as a different main character, Michelle Beaufort, from 2020-2022.